Quality Assurance Policy Statement

It is the policy of the Company that a high standard of service and equipment will be provided and maintained at all of its workplaces.

The Company believes that meeting the needs and expectations of our clients, including our contractual obligations in terms of cost, programme and safety, is fundamental to its business strategy of securing repeat business and long term relationships.

Continuity of quality

Quality will be considered at all stages of carrying out the Company's works, from receipt of an enquiry, through planning the works, to erecting and dismantling the scaffolding.

The Company is committed to continual monitoring and review of procedures, so that quality standards are maintained, and that all reasonable measures are taken to improve quality.

Our general intentions are:

  • To identify responsibilities for managing quality
  • To consult with employees and clients on matters affecting quality
  • To provide and maintain high quality plant and equipment
  • To ensure employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training
  • To monitor working conditions, and ensure quality standards are met
  • To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals

    Grant Mills, Keith Wiggins.

    For further information on how we maintain our quality standards,
    call us on 01527 404 863

    Commercial scaffolding
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